Guru Rinpoche in Ladakh

Guru Rinpoche

The great king Trisong Deutsen invited Guru Rinpoche to Tibet on advice of Pandita Shantirakshita to lay the foundation of Buddhism in Tibet. Guru Rinpoche visited Ladakh and outlying region of Balti, Gilgit presently in Pakistan, which during the reign of Songtsen Gampo, was a part of his Tibetan empire. His walking strike was planted in ground at Balti that led to introduction of apricot and became popular fruit even today in lower Ladakh.

Guru Rinpoche later visited Purig Pugmo Che, now Phokar Zong Fort and blessed the power place. It became the most important pilgrim site of Guru Rinpoche in Ladakh. We could seek the blessings of miraculous image imprint of Guru Rinpoche in cave, Six Jewel Mantra on stone and Door to Treasure (tergo).

Later, Guru Rinpoche made his spiritual journey to Zangskar. He meditated near Kanishka Stupa in Sani. He blessed the earth and subdues the demoness. He battled with demoness on the way to Leh at point in Ladakh Gongka, now a Sikh Temple. The demoness aimed with arrow to Guru Rinpoche. He sought shelter behind big boulder. Even today, we can see the body imprint on rock surface.

Pathar Saheb

His spiritual activity was carried on to Sakti Village, now an important Nyingma pa Monastery where miraculous image, hand and walking stick imprints have been left on rock and cave. The story is told that Guru Rinpoche threw an earth brick from other end of village across to present site of Dak Thok monastery.

The brick got struck in the rock. The Dak Thok got the name from that stone-throwing event. In Tibetan, “Dak” means rock and “Thok” has connotation of being struck in. The rock cave has become the place where he meditates for many years of realization. The purpose in throwing the stone is to point out the spiritual energetic place in Sakti village.

Dakthok Monastery

600 years later, monastery was build under the patronage of the Delden Namgyal, son of Senge Namgyal, who ruled Ladakh from 1620 to 1640. During that time the Yogi Padma Thinley visited Ladakh and established Drupde (retreat center). He was a lineage holder of Jang Ter (Northern Treasure). He was born in family of Terton Rigzin God Dem (Vulture) so, he founded the first Nyingma pa Monastery in Ladakh. Adak Rinpoche Ogyen Choeling Monastery in Choglamsar is the latest addition to Nyingmapa Monastery in Ladakh.