
The founder of Ogyen Choling Nyingma Gonpa is Choying Dorje (Atak Rinpoche). He was born into a family of farmers in a remote hamlet, Shachukul near Tibet border at Ladakh, in India on 22nd February 1975. In 1982, at the age of eight, he went to Shedrup Jamyangling, Shang Monastery, Ladakh. His Holiness the 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche is the root guru of Atak Rinpoche. He got many important spiritual trainings (wang.lung.khrid) in Nepal, Ladakh and Bhutan. Since 1995, he stays in Ladakh and works for spiritual service of Ladakh. His main work is looking for devination, giving amulates and making religious work for every needed person from all over.

From 1995, he is giving his best services to countless number of people and help them with fully good intentions and everyone took advantages of his blessing. Whatever offerings he received from public, he fully used them into his monastery (Ogyen Choling Nyingma Gonpa) since from root foundation. Therefore, it made double benefits for the devotees, because firstly their requirement got fulfilled and secondly, the offerings they made were used for good virtuous which lead them to an enlightenment for the benefits of all sentient beings.